

Webpage of the Compositional Systems and Methods group at TalTech.

Functional Programming Exercise Session 2

  1. Rewrite your list-reversing function myReverse from last week so that it doesn’t use append (++), but instead uses only conses (::). This will be more efficient because each append must traverse the entire list, whereas cons is a constant time operation.
    rev [1,2,3] == [3,2,1]

    Hint: use a local function (inside a where clause) with signature: rev' : (xs : List ty) -> (acc : List ty) -> List ty where the second argument is an accumulator, storing the reversal of the list prefix seen so far. That way when you reach the case for the empty list the accumulator will hold the reversal of the whole list.

  2. Write a function producing the sum of the squares of the first n natural numbers
    sumsqares 0 == 0
    sumsqares 1 == 0
    sumsqares 2 == 1
    sumsqares 3 == 5
    sumsqares 4 == 14

    Hint: use the map and sum functions, and the [m .. n] syntactic sugar for lists.

  3. Interactively add the user’s input using the repl function.
    *idris> :exec interactive_addition
    space-separated numbers to add:
    space-separated numbers to add: 1 2 3
    space-separated numbers to add: 5 5 5
    space-separated numbers to add: -2 4 

    Hint: read the documentation for sum. You can use cast to convert from Strings to Ints and back. Your function should have type interactive_addition : IO ().

  4. Write a function returning the list of all divisors of n : Nat.
    divisors 24 == [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24]
    divisors 15 == [1, 3, 5, 15]
    divisors 1 == [1]

    Hint: k is a divisor of n iff mod n k == 0.

  5. Use your divisors function to define a primality predicate.
    is_prime 4 == False
    is_prime 5 == True
    is_prime 29 == True
    is_prime 57 == False

    Hint: a prime number has exactly two divisors.