

Webpage of the Compositional Systems and Methods group at TalTech.

Functional Programming Exercise Session 6

The idea of this exercise set is to give you lots of things to write using the fold functions for datatypes we have seen in class. Recall:

foldNat : b -> (b -> b) -> Nat -> b
foldNat z s Z = z
foldNat z s (S n) = s (foldNat z s n)

foldList : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> List a -> b
foldList = foldr

data Tree : Type -> Type where
  Leaf : Tree a
  Node : Tree a -> a -> Tree a -> Tree a 

foldTree : b -> (b -> a -> b -> b) -> Tree a -> b
foldTree l n Leaf = l
foldTree l n (Node tl x tr) = n (foldTree l n tl) x (foldTree l n tr)

You should try to use these folds to solve the exercises. Note that it is often easier to write a solution that does not use a fold first, and then try again once you understand how to do it without one.

  1. (<– this should say “0”!) Write functions
    andList : List Bool -> Bool
    orList  : List Bool -> Bool

    such that (andList xs) is True if and only if each element of xs is True and, dually, (orList xs) is False if and only if each element of xs is False.

Now, write functions

multList : List Nat -> Nat
addList  : List Nat -> Nat

such that (multList xs) is the result of multiplying all the elements of xs together, and (addList xs) is the result of adding all the elements of xs together.

Do your answers to parts a and b suggest a relatoinship between logical conjunction / disjunctoin and arithmetic product / sum? What is the connection?

  1. Write a function
    exp : Nat -> Nat -> Nat

    such that (exp a b) is a ^ b, that is, a to the power of b.

  2. Write a function
    flatten : List (List a) -> List a

    such that, for example

     > flatten [[1,2,3],[],[4,5]]
     > [1,2,3,4,5]
  3. Write the filter function
    filter : (a -> Bool) -> List a -> List a

    The idea is that (filter p xs) is the list consisting of those elements of xs such that p xs is True, in the same order they occured in xs. For example

     > filter (<=5) [7,1,6,3,1,4]
     > [1,3,1,4]
  4. Write a function
    reverseTree : Tree a -> Tree a

    that reverses a tree in the following sense: (tilt head 45 degrees to the left to read trees)

    4--5                      4--2--1
    |                         |  |
    2--3  |---reverseTree-->  5  3
  5. Write functions
    andTree  : Tree Bool -> Bool
    orTree   : Tree Bool -> Bool
    addTree  : Tree Nat -> Tree Nat
    multTree : Tree Nat -> Tree Nat

    that do for Trees what the functions you wrote in part 1 did for lists.

  6. Implement the in-order, pre-order, and post-order traversals for trees (using a fold):
    in-order   : Tree a -> List a
    pre-order  : Tree a -> List a
    post-order : Tree a -> List a
  7. Write a function
    beadthFirst : Tree a -> List a 

    that returns the breadth-first traversal of the input tree.

That’s the end of the exercise set, but remember that you should try to do all of these using folds!