

Webpage of the Compositional Systems and Methods group at TalTech.

Functional Programming Exercise Session 7

  1. Consider the following datatype of arithmetic expressions:
    data Expr : Type where
    Num : Int -> Expr
    Add : Expr -> Expr -> Expr
    Mul : Expr -> Expr -> Expr

    with associated Show instance:

    Show Expr where
      show (Num x) = show x
      show (Add x y) = "(" ++ show x ++ " + " ++ show y ++ ")"
      show (Mul x y) = "(" ++ show x ++ " * " ++ show y ++ ")"

    For example,

    exampleExpr : Expr
    exampleExpr = Add (Num 2) (Mul (Num 3) (Num 5)


    > show exampleExpr
    > "(2 + (3 * 5))" : String
  2. Write a function that returns the number of operations in an expression
    size : Expr -> Nat

    For example, the size of exampleExpr is 2.

  3. Write a function that evaluates an expression
    eval : Expr -> Int

    for example,

    > eval exampleExpr
    > 17 : Int
  4. Modify your expression type to include varaibles as follows:
    Name : Type
    Name = String
    data Expr : Type where
      Num : Int -> Expr
        Add : Expr -> Expr -> Expr
        Mul : Expr -> Expr -> Expr
        Var : Name -> Expr
  5. Modify the size and show functions to work with the new Expr type.

  6. A Context is an assignment of Names to Ints , represented as follows:
    Context : Type
    Context = List (Name,Int)

    The idea being that if (x,k) is present in the context, the name x stands for the integer k. If x is stands for multiple elements in a Context, we consider only the one closest to the beginning of the Context. Write a function

    find : Name -> Context -> Maybe Int

    that returns what the input name stands for in the input context, if anything.

  7. Modify your eval function to evaulate our new variable arithmetic expressions in a context:
      eval : Context -> Expr -> Maybe Int

    The idea is that if we encounter a variable that is not assigned a value by the context, we ought to fail and return Nothing.

  8. Modify your Expr datatype to include subtraction and division. Then, modify show, size, and eval to work with this new type.

  9. (More Difficult / Optional) Write a parser for your type of expressions
      parseExpr : String -> Maybe Expr

    The representation of Exprs as strings is up to you. If you do this exercise, consider also changing your implementation of show so that (parseExpr . show) x is Just x.